What an amazing term we have had in the Sports department this spring.
So many have taken place since January. Some have been competitive and some festivals, but in all of them the children have represented Valence to the best of their ability.
Our year 5 and year 6 teams competed against 10 schools but unfortunately, they did not qualify for the finals.
We took part in the first ever Dodgeball competition in the Borough. It was an amazing event for all and Valence came away with 5th place.
Our year 3 /4 team took part in the indoor athletics. It was a super day with lots of talent on show. Congratulations to our team who came away with 3rd place overall.
The year 3/4 children had a chance to attend a non-competitive Cricket festival with fun and skills being learnt by all. It was a fantastic event enjoyed by our budding cricketers.
We have had a fantastic Girls football festival which enabled girls to learn new skills and hopefully want to play more football.
Our girl's team got through to the final stages of the Ballerz League, but have now sadly been knocked out. Some amazing games though.
The year 4/5 boys team have finished top of their group again and are now in the finals.
The year 6 boys are now in the quarter-finals of the Post Cup!
Some of our pupils from years 3 & 4 attended the London Youth Games to represent Barking and Dagenham.
More to Come
Some of our KS1 pupils are off to Robert Clack school next week for a gymnastic festival. Good luck.
As you can see we had a very busy term with a jam-packed Summer term of sport yet to come. Thank you to all who took part and represented Valence in such a fantastic way!