Keep up to date with news from across both sites and upcoming events with our monthly newsletter.
1. Be on time every day
AM: The playground gates open at 8.30am, and the class doors open at 8.45am. The pupils are straight to work with their morning tasks, so even if they are a few minutes late, they are missing valuable learning time. The class doors close at 8.55am.
PM: The playground gates open at 3.00pm. Reception and KS1 finish at 3.15pm, and KS2 finish at 3.20pm. After five minutes, pupils are escorted to the office, where they can be collected. If pupils are regularly collected late, the office will seek to identify ways that the school can support an improvement in punctuality.
2. School reminders
- No dogs in the playgrounds, even if they are being carried.
- Push, do not ride, scooters and bikes in the playgrounds.
- No smoking or vaping by the school gates. Let’s set a good example to the children.
- We strongly encourage the wearing of school uniform, and we are happy to help out. Come to The Roost if you need some good quality almost-new uniform.
- We have a car-free zone at St. George’s every morning and afternoon, so please walk to school wherever possible. Spoiler alert - there is a car-free zone proposed for Bonham Road too…the borough is in consultation with the school, parents and local residents. We will let you know as soon as we have more information. Let’s get walking...
3. Busy, busy
December at Valence is a very busy time of year – Year group productions, carols, Christmas lunch, class parties, etc. We will keep you informed by parentmail, the school website and social media.
4. Wraparound provision
Our before and after school provision (GEMS) is operating on both sites. Please enquire at the offices should you wish to know more details. The provision is run by our highly experienced school staff. The provision is very popular, and spaces are limited.
5. Want to get involved?
It is so encouraging to see parents and carers getting involved in the life of the school. If you have time, even for a couple of hours, why not volunteer at school? Give your name to the office. We need adults to:
- read with children
- help out at events such as Christmas parties, concerts, charity days
- join a painting working party to spruce up the Early Years playground
- share your skills with the pupils e.g. cooking, drawing, sewing, etc
6. Why is attending school every day so important?
Let’s aim high – aim for 100% attendance. This gives children the best chance to succeed.
7. Do you know what your children are doing online?
Darker autumn days often mean more screen time. Please take time to explore Online Safety Tips for Families. (link opens in new window)
8. Celebrating effort, good behaviour and hard work
At Valence, we place a high value on developing children’s sense of worth and self-esteem. We love to celebrate both effort and achievement in academic and social settings. We have an approach where we support pupils to Go for Gold based on the following school rules:
- Listen to and co-operate with each other.
- Follow adults’ instructions.
- Treat everyone with politeness, kindness, courtesy and respect.
- Work to the best of our ability.
- Move safely and calmly around school.
- Respect our school environment.
Children who consistently follow the school rules, who set a positive example for others to follow and who demonstrate a positive attitude to others can achieve a GOLD reward.
9. Children in Need
On Friday 15 November, we will be joining the nation in recognising BBC Children in Need. Pupils are welcome to come to school wearing yellow or something spotty.
Mr November
You can download our newsletter as a PDF below.